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Re: mezinke

Helen, all I know is that "Di mezike oysgegebn" was written by Mark 
Warshavsky, words and music, around 100 years ago.  It has more verses 
than are commonly sung, as is the case for most of his songs. 
 Warshavsky, a guitar-playing lawyer from Kiev, wrote a whole wedding 
suite of songs for both the bride's and the groom's sides.  

At my wedding, my mother, who loves being the center of attention (gee, 
I wonder how that ties in ;-), insisted that I dance around her and 
crown her with flowers to this piece.  I am the only child, so I guess 
that qualifies me as the youngest daughter getting married, doesn't it? 
 The not Jewish band played way too slow and the song went on so long 
that the flowers were turning brown already!  (no, not really.  It just 
seemed like it.)  I couldn't seem to get their attention to stop, so 
round and round I went, teasing her about putting the wreath on her 
head, putting it on, not putting it on.  I finally ran out of shtick and 
told the musicians, "Genug shoyn!"  Well, I didn't know Yiddish then, so 
I just looked at them pitifully, plopped the flowers on my mother's 
expectant head and kissed her.  Done!

Hope this has helped, or at least amused you,

Helen Winkler wrote:

> Someone has written me asking for information about the Mezinke Tanz, 
> danced on the occasion of  the youngest child in a family's getting 
> married .  All that I know about it is that the parents of the bride 
> or groom involved are seated and that family members dance around them 
> and shake their hand.  I've read also that sometimes brooms are used 
> in this dance.  I don't have any other information about it, such as 
> its origin or age.  Does anyone on the list have more information on 
> this dance?  Was it always danced to the melody that is now associated 
> with it?
> Helen
> Helen Winkler
> Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
> winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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