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Re: Musicals/Jewish content- Now Manger's Megile

In a message dated 3/17/3 11:54:29 AM, creativa (at) charm(dot)net writes:

<< I believe Itzik Manger's "Megile" qualifies. It's been played (with Mike
Burstyn & a great cast) in Israel, on Broadway, and with I think another
cast, in Germany, of all places.  It's rollicking wonderful and witty.
There's also a German Yiddish book of Megile with the lyrics, some music and
great illustrations out there.

I am sure Simon has the CD - it's part of a 2-CD package which also includes
the Yiddish version of "Fiddler on the Roof".
Sylvia Schildt

We certainly do. It is also avaialbe in a Hebrew cast album.  Many American 
show were performed in Israel in Hebrew and these are very popular. The ones 
that have been released on CD (In Hebrew) are : "Fiddler On The Roof", 
"Hair", "My Fair Lady", "The King and I". 
At one time there was a Hebrew version of "Les Miserables," but 
unfortunately, it has never been released on CD.

Has anybone heard the Japanese version of Fiddler On The Foof?
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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