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Re: OPEN THE GATES! (reviews)

Mazl tov, Robert!  It's about time, eh?

music (at) sterlingmp(dot)org wrote:

>OK, just to go with the (recent) flow:
>>From a New York City Jewish Music e-list (weekly; see below) of a couple of
>weeks ago:
>      Jewish Music Album of the Week: "Open the Gates," an
>incredible compilation album by Robert Cohen, Folk Music Historian,
>Writer, and Lecturer, of 18 Jewish songs from 18 different artists across
>the spectrum of Jewish music, from Safam to Diaspora Yeshiva  Band to
>Dveykus, Shlomo Carlebach to Debbie Friedman to Michael Shapiro.  [I have
>all of Michael Shapiro's tapes, but this is the  only CD I've found that
>features him.]  For Shabbos: there's a beautiful Lecha Dodi from Yitchak
>Husbands-Hankin, Eishet Chayil a  cappella with Beat'achon, and the
>traditional Shalom Aleichem by Shmuel Brazil and Regesh.  But even better
>than this unbelievable  collection of music (already the best from the
>best), are the extensive liner notes, with biographical info on every
>artist and song, and a full introduction essay on the nature of Jewish
>music.   Contact Robert at 866-nigunim or openthegates (at) sterlingmp(dot)org 
>or purchase the CD online at
>So ... that was nice!
>For those in the NYC area (or who regularly go there, like I), this list,
>run by Gili Houpt, is a fantastic resource.  I've included below
>insructions on how to subscribe, if you wish to.  (It's not a competing
>list to this one, and in fact there's probably a different name for this
>sort of list; it consists of [weekly] postings only from Gili.)
>--Robert Cohen
>Check out the Jewish music website with links and other useful features:
>To be added to this group, send email to: NYCJewishMusic-
>subscribe (at) yahoogroups(dot)com

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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