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Re: OPEN THE GATES! (reviews)

OK, just to go with the (recent) flow:

>From a New York City Jewish Music e-list (weekly; see below) of a couple of
weeks ago:

      Jewish Music Album of the Week: "Open the Gates," an
incredible compilation album by Robert Cohen, Folk Music Historian,
Writer, and Lecturer, of 18 Jewish songs from 18 different artists across
the spectrum of Jewish music, from Safam to Diaspora Yeshiva  Band to
Dveykus, Shlomo Carlebach to Debbie Friedman to Michael Shapiro.  [I have
all of Michael Shapiro's tapes, but this is the  only CD I've found that
features him.]  For Shabbos: there's a beautiful Lecha Dodi from Yitchak
Husbands-Hankin, Eishet Chayil a  cappella with Beat'achon, and the
traditional Shalom Aleichem by Shmuel Brazil and Regesh.  But even better
than this unbelievable  collection of music (already the best from the
best), are the extensive liner notes, with biographical info on every
artist and song, and a full introduction essay on the nature of Jewish
music.   Contact Robert at 866-nigunim or openthegates (at) sterlingmp(dot)org 
or purchase the CD online at

So ... that was nice!

For those in the NYC area (or who regularly go there, like I), this list,
run by Gili Houpt, is a fantastic resource.  I've included below
insructions on how to subscribe, if you wish to.  (It's not a competing
list to this one, and in fact there's probably a different name for this
sort of list; it consists of [weekly] postings only from Gili.)

--Robert Cohen

Check out the Jewish music website with links and other useful features:

To be added to this group, send email to: NYCJewishMusic-
subscribe (at) yahoogroups(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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