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Re: klezmer the Israeli way

----- Original Message -----
From: "r l reid" <ro (at) panix(dot)com>; "r l reid" <ro (at) panix(dot)com>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 3:03 AM
Subject: klezmer the Israeli way

> I'm back in New York after a very wet first trip to Jerusalem.
> Anyone familiar with Akiva ben Horin?

Akiva Ben Horin is no more active as klezmer. He stopped playing few years
ago and he is doing other business(not connecting to music).
I followed him when he made his first steps in klezmer music as a student in
the Academy of music in Jerusalem. When exposed to the Israel-Klezmer style,
he was attracted by it and decided to perform these tunes first of all by
using the flute (he is a flutiest) and not as it was usually played by
clarinet, and secondly to perfom it in a concert style, with fine
atrrangements and every note in place. In this way he made some 3 or 4 CDs,
part of them with new originak music. On the first dayd of "Sulam" he played
with me (he can be heard on one of the tracks of Mazor's anthology of
"Klezner music in the land of Israel"),  but soon we realized that we have
diferent points of view about klezmer music and then the fluetist Roman
Kunsman Z"L replaced him in "Sulam"


> I checked the record and book stores in Mea Shrim and the old city and for
> the most part found exactly the same stuff I can get in Boro Park.  But
> in the book store nearest teh Kotel, I did get a little lucky when I
> found a dusty corner where the cut out, 10 NIS, please take them off our
> cassettes were.  A splendid old Visnitz tape - not a drum machine
anywhere -
> a fine old Skulen tape, and an OK (but already getting modern a bissel)
> Satmar tape; pluse 3 Ben Zion Shenker (not attributed to Modzitz) tapes.

Israeli klezmers are rarely found in the market of tapes and CDs. The main
reason is that the music is alived and it expresses the mood and feeling of
the moment  of performance. therefore, you can find many field recordings of
this music, but if you are not familier with the background and basic of
this music you will not like it.
If you were listening to the musing singing of the engaged couple party,
sitting a concert hall, it would not attract you at all, but when you
connect it with the happiest event of a couple going to marry soon, you can
understand it better and you are able to be connected with it.

> It hit me subjectively as "real klezmer", but a very different esthetic
> than American klezmer with its cynical distrust of being unhip.
> Anyone else familiar with  Akiva ben Horin?
> Roger Reid
> --
> r l reid ro (at) rreid(dot)net
>Moshe Berlin

 Sulam - Klezmer Tradition in the Land of Israel

P.O Box 331 Elqana 44814 Israel   tel/fax + 972 3 9362082

CDs: Bilvavi,  Nigunim, Aneinu,  Yakhad,  L'olam,  Maz'l Tov

Reviews: Sulam, The Klezmer Tradition in the Land of Israel

mailto: berlim (at) bezeqint(dot)net


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