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Astoria Klezmer Concert and Dance Party

Hello everyone!
there will be a Klezmer Concert and Dance Party at Astoria Center of Israel 
on March 9 at 3pm
Featuring Margot Leverett on clarinet
Joe Selly, guitar
and **Special Guest Artists** including some special people we've discovered 
at our monthly jam sessions
Astoria Center of Israel is located at 27-35 Crescent St, Astoria (N or W 
train to 30th Ave)
 admission $12 in advance or $15 at the door (718) 278-2680

This is a great event for families.  It's a fundraising event to pay for 
making the building handicapped-accessible.

Thanks to everyone who has helped make our jam sessions a success - we'll 
resume the jam sessions in April.
If you have been coming to the jam sessions and would like to join us at the 
concert, please e-mail me off-list!  (Joshua of the wonderful viola solo - 
are you there?)

Thanks everyone! see you soon!
Margot Leverett
"The Art of Klezmer Clarinet" CD on Traditional Crossroads

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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