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Wagner, insulting people

--- Judith R Cohen <judithc (at) YorkU(dot)CA> wrote:
> hi, for one thing, if we are to go on with these kol
> isha and Wagner
> threads, perhaps people could adjust the subject
> heading so that Miriam
> and Wagner aren't constantly coupled in the same
> heading?
> > Re: Kol Isha/Miriam's Song/Wagner
> Trudi, I was going to answer Avi's remarks but since
> you did it so
> effectively, I'll just say, "ditto for me".

ok it seems that i have been misunderstood by more
than one person on the list, when i thought i could
not have been clearer. as a result of thi i have been
insulted publicly and asked for a private apology,
since none was forthcoming i will move this back
onlist. my remarks regarding neo-nazis and their music
had absolutely nothing to do with the kol isha debate,
rather they were meant as an illustration of listening
to antisemitic music, or music made by antisemites in
current times. consequently i feel they were
completely appropriate and anyone that has a problem
with them please take it up with me privately. an
apology from relevant parties might be in order as


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