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Moldovan-Jewish Music @ Tonic, March 9

For New Yorkers and friends,

Please spread the word about Yefim Chorny's concert @ Tonic... should be a fabulous one-of-a afternoon,


For Immediate Release, February 12, 2003:
Press Contacts
Jeff Perlman
(718) 386-3007
jeffrey(dot)perlman (at) aya(dot)yale(dot)edu

Shayna Silverstein
(917) 969-2449
shaynasilverstein (at) hotmail(dot)com


World-renowned vocalist Yefim Chorny and pianist Suzan Gergus, visiting from Moldova, will give a rare New York performance of their Yiddish repertoire as part of Tonic?s Klezmer Brunch series, on Sunday March 9, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. Brooklyn-based musicians German Goldenshteyn and Aron Gershman will precede them at 1:30, performing the lively, danceable music of Moldovan-Jewish celebrations. This unique event will reunite artists visiting from the former Soviet Republic of Moldova with their brethren in New York City?s vital community of Soviet immigrants.

Passionate and melodious, earthy yet ethereal, Moldovan-Jewish music is deeply rooted in ancient traditions. It draws heavily on energetic Moldovan folk music, and has Romanian, Turkish and Gypsy influences. It is also comprised of prayerful cantorial elements, with vocals sung in Yiddish and Russian.

Moldova is located on the border between Ukraine and Romania, and is a country historically rich in music and Jewish culture. Only several decades ago, Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, was a major center of Yiddish music. Today, most Moldovan Jews have left the former Soviet Union for America, Israel and Western Europe. This event provides a rare opportunity for immigrants to hear artists from their homeland, as well for other New Yorkers to experience this soulful music.

Yefim Chorny is an award-winning Yiddish folk singer who continues to work and live in his hometown of Chisinau, Moldova. He began performing in Yiddish Theater at the age of seven and has appeared in concerts throughout the former Soviet Union, Romania, Greece, France, the Czech Republic, and America. Yefim won first prize at the prestigious International Festival of Jewish Singers in Moscow (2000), and delights listeners with his rich baritone and toothy grin.

German Goldenshteyn is a treasured clarinetist, currently living in Brooklyn, who spent many decades playing at Jewish weddings in Moldova and Ukraine. For several years he has been a featured performer in the Center for Traditional Music and Dance?s Nashii Traditsii concert series and a teacher at the KlezKanada summer festival. He is beloved for his Old World style and vast musical memory of over 800 Jewish and Moldovan songs.

Sunday, March 9

1:30 pm German Goldenshteyn, Aron Gershman and ensemble, playing Moldovan-Jewish
wedding music.
3 pm Yefim Chorny and Suzan Gergus, performing Yiddish songs from Moldova.

$10 for one show, $15 for both

Tonic is located at 107 Norfolk St., ½ block north of Delancey, on Manhattan?s Lower East Side:
F train to Delancey, JMZ train to Essex.

For photographs, sound clips and more information, please visit:

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