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Re: more reviews

In a message dated 2/19/2003 8:59:38 AM Central Standard Time, 
SICULAR (at) aol(dot)com writes:

> I don't usually publicize reviews over this list (we just list them on our 
> own website etc.), so it wouldn't have occurred to me as so appropriate, 
> but 
> since the thread was here and not all of you might know this place to look, 
> here you are.

I hope that I am not out of line to post my review.  I enjoyed reading 
reviews of other listmembers' stuff, and to date, I don't think that it's 
excessive (if it is, then Ari will certainly let me know!)  Also, listmembers 
often volunteer their personal reviews of concerts or CDs they have heard, 
which is all well within the interest range of the group.  

I don't want to seem self-serving, but we only produce about 2 albums per 
decade, and reviews (in places like Sing Out!) occur even less frequently.  
So I don't think I am going to be overloading the list with them (halavai!)  
In the meantime, I'd love to read a review of your album--anyone's album who 
is a listmember--so why not share them?  

Some people also post all their concerts appearances to the list--others do 
not.  I don't think it's a problem....Let's all support each others' 


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