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de-gendering; Grove

hi, re the various references to Edwin's work, that "De-gendering"
article is, I think, the only thing he's ever written that I HAVEN'T
found to be really excellent, sort of jumps on the gender studies
bandwagon. (And also quotes some of my work on women in Judeo-Spanish
song out of context so it kind of changes what I had meant in those
articles). But it's an exception: mostly anything by Edwin is really

By the way, in the new Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, it would
be interesting to see people's reactions to the various sections of the
long entry on Jewish music. The one on Judeo-Spanish music I find not up
to the standard of most of  the other sections, not inaccurate or
anything like that, but kind of stuck in a couple-of-decades-old

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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