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Re: Wagner 2003

Re: Gottfried Wagner

He's a very interesting, devoted scholar/theater director, who broke 
away from his family and the "family business" in Bayereuth many 
years back. He moved to Italy, where he lives with his family north 
of Milano.
He's extremely involved in uncovering Wagnerian antisemitism (and 
published a relevant book on the subject): even more that dealing 
with Richard Wagner's own life and works, he focuses on the 
"Wagnerian" imagination and its consequences. In Italy, he often 
appears in "Jewish" contexts.

I had the pleasure to meet him several years ago at the Milan Music 
Conservatory, and more recently I hosted him for one of my radio 
shows, together with German-born writer Helena Janecek (no music 
connections here), the daughter of two camps survivors whom also 
eventually moved to Italy, and also lives in the same area. The show 
was about two different kinds of "drop outs" from Germany...


>This may seem like a strange recommendation for a Jewish music list, but
>this weekend, I'm co-chairing "Lingering Dissonances:  Wagner 2003" at
>the U of MN's Ferguson Hall, 2106 4th St. S, Minneapolis.  Wagner is
>hardly Jewish fare of course, but the Center for Jewish Studies and The
>Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies are among the biggest
>sponsors.  Speakers include some of the giants of the study of Wagnerian
>anti-Semitism studies, Paul Rose and Marc Weiner, as well as Na'ama
>Sheffi of Tel Aviv U.  Friday night we're showing Yehuda Yannay's
>Jidyll, with the composer/author/filmmaker/star present to comment.
>Keynote speaker is the composer's great-grandson Gottfried Wagner, who's
>done much to support the study of Wagnerian anti-Semitism and has given
>lecture tours in Israel.  Our co-sponsor is the MN Opera.  It's all free
>and open to the public.  Check it all out at


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YUVAL ITALIA      Centro Studi Musica Ebraica
the  Italian Center for the Study of Jewish Music

via della Guastalla,19            20122 Milano Italy
tel/fax +39 02 55014977    yuval (at) powerlink(dot)it
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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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