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Re: [CHAZON] Solomon Katz

In a message dated 1/26/3 3:14:30 PM, SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

<< Ikh veys nisht, tsi dos iz der zelber khazn vos ir meynt... Es iz geven a 
bavuster Sholom Katz vos hot rekordirt (tsvishn a sakh andere) a "Kel moley 
rakhamim," ober er iz nisht fun Poyln.  Er iz geboyrn in 
Groys-Vardein/Ungarn  (=Oradea/Rumenye) un geven khazn in 
Kishinev/Besarabye.  Nokh der milkhome iz er geven khazn in Budapest, un 
dernokh geforn kayn Amerike un gedavnt in Vashington.  Ir kent koyfn a disk 
zayner fun danet:

Thank you for the mention. 
"El Maleh Rachamim" by Sholom Katz was used in the Italian film, "The Garden 
of The Finzi-Continis" (1970).
Whenever this film is show anywhere, we get requests for this recording.  In 
the film, it is played during the closing credits over the image of the home 
of the Finzi-Continis a prominent Jewish family after they were taken away by 
the Nazis...a very moving image.
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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