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Re: Klezmer audience sing-a-long chorus

From: Bob Herman <bkherman (at) swbell(dot)net>
> Does anyone have any suggestions for large
> group sing-a-longs in a concert situation. 
> Specifically, I would like upbeat songs with 
> a "lai-lai" chorus.

- Hobn Mir A Nigndl
- Lomir Ale Zingen
- Oyfn Veg Shteyt A Boym
- Az Ikh Vel Zingen L'kho Dodi

Cantor Sam Weiss===Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ
Does anyone have any suggestions for large group sing-a-longs in a concert situation. Specifically, I would like upbeat songs with a "lai-lai" chorus.
I already use Alle Breider, and am looking to expand our repetoire.
Thanks for your help.
Bob Herman
for Klezundheit!

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