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Re: JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2491

Eliezer Kaplan asked about the ad for Finale at a lesser price - was it 
full-feature, and wasn't there something for less money.  The source is: 
AABACA ( (952) 933-7307.  I believe it's full-feature, but 
"bli nader" - don't make me swear to it.  I notice they advertise Finale 
for $199 and Sibelius for $229, but there's probably "shipping & 
handling."  You could contact them regarding why you should buy from them, 
or the manufacturers regarding why not.  And visit to see if 
they still offer a "student" version of Finale, called Finale Notepad, for 
free.  It does lack some of the bells & whistles, and might not be 
compatible with other versions of Finale, but should play back a .mid 

Fred Blumenthal
xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com

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