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Jeanette Lewicki in Bronx Jan. 19

        The "Sholem Aleichem Cultural Center" , 3301 Bainbridge Ave
in the Bronx, invites you to attend a lecture by Adina Cimet in
Yiddish on her work as director of YIVOs program on Yiddish culture
and education in Eastern Europe. SUNDAY JAN. 19th, 1:30 PM

After the talk, special musical guest - Jeannette Lewicki - from San
Francisco, will sing several Yiddish songs and accompany herself on
Presenter - itzik gottesman 

Information: 718-881-6555 or 718-231-1416
Take D train to 205th st or 4 train to Mosholu Pkwy.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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