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Tangele - Yiddish Tango

Dear Sylvia,

I have done a lot of research on Yiddish Tango for a show premiered in 
Lodnon last November, which I entitled Tangele: The Pulse of Yiddish Tango. 
I am very grateful to you and many other list-members for their valuable 
help. I am happy to share my findings with you, and look forward to bringing 
the programme to the USA in the near future.

More information on Tangele is available on

Best wishes,


>By the way, off topic -- we are doing a program on tangele (Yiddish >tango) 
>in February and at the IAYC conference in September,  looking >for Yiddish 
>tango songs from between the wars -- this would include >not only those 
>written in Argentina, but world-wide.

>A dank in foroys,

>Sylvia  (Tsipele)

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