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New Jewish Music Web Site

Dear Fellow Listers,

I have finally decided to put some free web space that I have to good use
by turning it into a web site (predominantly) for Jewish music, featuring
snippets of news, info, and reviews.

If you think you have any suggestions, ideas, hints or whatever concerning
any aspect of this, but in particular concerning any specific content you
might like to see, please feel free to contact me off-list. All comments

If you are an artist (performing, or composer/songwriter/lyricist) or band
and don't yet have a web site or web page of your own, I may consider
including a small page for you on my site. Please feel free to contact me
off-list if this would be of interest.

Also, if you are an artist/band publishing/marketing your own CDs yourself,
I'd be pleased to consider including details inc. ordering info etc. on my

The barest skeleton of the site, under construction, can be found at .

Thank you for your time.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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