Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Mail problems and apologies

It would appear there are still some mail problems with my ISP, in that
some domains are temporarily blocking mail from (and in some cases, to) my
ISP's ( domain due to large amounts of spam having appeared to
have originated from this domain. As a result, some private messages to
some list members may not have been delivered. In particular, I've had mail
bounce from addresses in the AOL domain, plus a couple of others. Likewise,
mail _from_ some of these domains may not have reached here yet. Hopefully,
these problems will cease within the next couple of days.

Also, apologies might be due some listers to whom mail my have
inadvertently gone out after the start of shabat as I also had problems
getting mail out from here and thus had kept my connection going when I
went for an appointment on Friday afternoon and got delayed returning home.
If mail you received from me was time-stamped after the start of shabat and
you are observant, please accept my sincere apologies.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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