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Re: Jewish Music and

In a message dated 1/9/3 4:27:07 AM, richards (at) 
rainlore(dot)demon(dot)co(dot)uk writes:

Something has been bugging me for a long while. ( ) has a small but nonetheless quite impressive
selection of albums of Jewish music of various kinds, including a number of
releases by a number of members of this list. However, these can be
extremely hard to actually get to, and unless you have at least a fair idea
of what you're looking for, they are easily missed.

Hey Richard,
Ever thought of going to a Judaica Store and possibly patronizing them for 
Jewish Music????? 

You are located in the UK, why not contact Noa at Jewish Music Distribution, 
e-mail address: jmduk (at) hotmail(dot)com
 The have a fine selection in your area so you don't have to pay import 
shipping charges.

Downloading music for next to nothing might be a good short term deal for 
you, but I can tell you that with the Jewish Music market being as small as 
it is why should ANY Judaica shop want to carry CDs if you would rather cir
cumvent them and down load. The fact is that Jewish Stores are still the 
biggest consumers of Jewish recordings, and every time you download from the 
Internet, you are literally taking money out of the pockets of those people 
who are in the Judaica business--which I can tell you is NOT a growth 
industry--you would NOT want your kids to get into that business.In the long 
run, it's the artists who get hurt. Why invest large sums of money to produce 
and market a CD if the Jewish stores won't stock them? 

In many instances, the booklets that accompany the CDs are as important as 
the music. Doesn't the artist deserved something for the research and time it 
took to develop that?  If you look at the quality of the research by Joel 
Rubin on ALL of his CDs, Henry Sapoznik, or Josh Horowitz--especially on 
"Wedding Without a Bride"-a 30 page booklet-that' practically a novel.

2002 was a terrible year for the music market, and Jewish recordings were 
especially hard hit. Many excellent recordings have been discontinued or 
deleted by independent music distributors..which is where most of the Jewish 
Music is found.
If you believe in the music, support it, and the people who produce it.
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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