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Jewish Music and

Dear fellow listers,

Something has been bugging me for a long while. ( ) has a small but nonetheless quite impressive
selection of albums of Jewish music of various kinds, including a number of
releases by a number of members of this list. However, these can be
extremely hard to actually get to, and unless you have at least a fair idea
of what you're looking for, they are easily missed.

I'm wondering what any fellow listers who might have an emusic account, if
any, and also the artists represented, think of this state of affairs, and
whether anybody thinks that we might perhaps try to collectively or
individually lobby to remedy this (e.g., by perhaps setting up a
seperate "genre" for Jewish music). Sadly, EMusic (esp. since being fully
run by Vivendi-Universal) is rather unresponsive to its subscribers, but it
might be worth a try if there's more than just one lone voice...


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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