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Fwd: Joseph Moskowitz

I can't follow up with this person (other than to encourage him to share any
memories he has of Joseph Moskowitz), but list musicians and musicologists
might want to talk with Mr. Rosenthal about music:

> Date: Wed,  8 Jan 2003 05:58:35 EST
> From:  SIRCPA (at) aol(dot)com
> Greetings -
> I was doing a web search on Joseph Moskowitz; it seems that several people in
> your newsgroup were asking about or commenting on his music.   In fact, he
> was married to my grandmother (after my grandfather's death) and our family
> does have some of his music still.    I believe we are his only surviving
> family, as he never had any children of his own; if anyone is interested
> still in his music, feel free to respond to me.
> Best regards,
> Scott Rosenthal
> Glenelg, MD 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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