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Re: Fleyt Muzik

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to a wonderful young lady on
this list, Adrianne Greenbaum, not only for getting her new CD "Fleyt
Muzik" to me incredibly quickly (and despite the holidays of last week),
but most of all for the wonderful, delightful music on it.

To anybody who hasn't heard Adrianne's new album yet, and anybody who loves
good music in general or Jewish music or klezmer music in particular, may I
urge you to "beg, steal, or borrow", or preferably buy (and thereby support
a wonderful musician and hopefully encourage and enable her to let us
continue to enjoy her talents in the form of continueing releases) this
splendid album and hear for yourself.

Fleyt Muzik to me is the most exciting new klezmer recording (at any rate,
of those that I have heard) since the old "Jewish Klezmer Music" by Zev
Feldman, Andy Statman and Marty Confurius (the latter of whom also features
on this album) in the 70s. It is fresh, refreshing, marvellously joyous and
soulful at once - it's everything the best klezmer music, and the best
music per se, should be, music that not only the ears listen to but the
heart as well, and music that delights both.

Somebody here remarked that Adrianne could be called the Andy Statman of
the klezmer flute. I should like to add to that in saying that my personal
"rogues' gallery" of outstanding flautists, regardless of genre and in no
particular order, so far consisting of Jean Pierre Rampal, Herbie Mann,
Yusef Lateef, and Hubert Laws, has been extended by one.

The rest of the ensemble are certainly not short of excellence, either, and
I'm particularly struck (no pun intended!) also by Joshua Horowitz's
tsimbl, another favourite instrument of mine. (Now I really will have to do
something about getting hold of his other albums, none of which, sadly,
I've heard before.) The combination of flute, violin, tsimbl and double
bass really is another delight in itself.

Two original compositions by Adrianne further add to the delight of her
album and should make a splendid addition to the general repertory as well.

Fleyt Muzik has me so excited and inspired that, while I've been meaning
and wanting to write something for klezmer ensemble/band myself for a long
while, I shall finally get off my backside and do so as soon as time even
remotely permits.

A big vote of thanks to Adrianne and her fellow musicians for a beautiful
album of beautiful music. Go buy it if you can and enjoy it. (An additional
bonus is the superb overall presentation and a quality booklet of excellent
sleeve notes.)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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