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Re: Irish/Jewish music

The Jewish & Irish people Share some things - mainly they were both oppressed
peoples. As an active player of  Klezmer and Irish music, I do not see any
particular musical connection. The modes, rhythms, and forms have little if
any in common. Let's just appreciate and celebrate each other's music and
culture and leave it at that.

My maternal grandfather, Tom Cristol, moved from Cork, Ireland to Dallas,
Texas (go figure). His grandparents came from somewhere in Lithuania. The
family has several theories on why the family emmigrated to Ireland.

They actually meant to go there.
They only had enough money to get as far as Ireland.
An unscrupulous ship's captain or purser dumped them off the boat in Ireland.
They thought they were in America and got off the ship.

The husband of my Mother's 1st cousin (Sheila & Gerald Goldberg) was Lord
Mayor of Cork in the 60s or 70s. They're son, my 2nd cousin, David Goldberg,
is an artist and lawyer in Dublin. He used to hang out in Doolin, County Clare
with one of the great traditional story tellers and tin whistle players Micho

Laurie Andres
Seattle, WA

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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