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Re: Good News for the Jews

Lorin, Frank, Rob ....

I couldn't be happier ... hallevai vayter!

With deep affection,

Sylvia Schildt

on 11/27/02 2:42 PM, Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com at Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com 

> In a message dated 11/27/2 9:31:35 AM, lsklamberg (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org 
> writes:
> << I am proud to announce that the following is on the preliminary Grammy
> nominations list:
> Traditional Folk - Field 14, Category 66, #33 The Zmiros Project (Frank
> London, Lorin Sklamberg, Rob Schwimmer)
> Mazel Tov....getting THIS far deserves an award!!
> Simon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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