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I would like to visit other communities

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Shalom friends and chevre,

My name is Michael E. Rubin and I live in a suburb of Chicago called Vernon 
Hills. I am also an active congregant at Chicago's Jewish Renewal congregation, 
Makom Shalom, and am actively working with others developing the 
city's "alternative Jewish scene" of innovative chavurot, meditation groups, 
Torah study sessions, and more.

At Makom Shalom, we do not have a full-time chazzan. Instead, my best friend 
and I fill in as "music mensches." In addition to much of the Shabbos liturgy, 
I play a lot of music by Reb Shlomo Carlebach z"l. Though I am not a maggid by 
training, I also delight in telling "Shlomo stories" and other Jewish mystical 
tales. I am not a rabbi, but my role has often been that of a teacher. I am 27 
and am envisioning one day entering the rabbinate.


The reason I am writing is twofold:

1) "From you I receive, and to you I give/Together we share and from this we 

My desire is to visit other Midwest-area communities, whether they are formally 
affiliated with NJRC and/or ALEPH or not. I would like to share songs, stories, 
daavenen and creative liturgies with others -- and gain from others' sharing in 
return. I'm thinking of areas within driving distance of Chicago -- Iowa, 
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Indiana.

2) Shabbatonim

As part of visiting these communities, if there's interest, I would love to 
help facilitate Shabbatonim. Because many communities are in financial 
tightness, I will not charge a fee for doing so. All I ask in terms of 
compensation are my gas expenses ($65-70) and a bed to sleep in.


I hope this idea of sharing songs and ideas is appealing and has sparked some 
interest. Please contact me via telephone at 847-840-1757 or e-mail at 
merubin (at) attbi(dot)com to continue this dialogue.

Thank you!

b'shalom v'chevrut,

MICHAEL E. RUBIN            
e-mail:   merubin (at) attbi(dot)com
tel:      847-840-1757
"I believed in the healing power
 of words..." - Eugene Fitzpatrick
      "Until the End of the World"

     Shalom 'n' Namaste, y'all!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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