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"FleytMuzik" - clarification of CD info

Greetings All,
There has been some confusion surrounding my announcement last week of my new 
klezmer flute CD that I need to clarify.  In my attempt to be succinct in my 
words I inadvertently announced that there was a new band that was formed for 
this album. In reality this ensemble was formed for the recording ONLY. Josh 
Horowitz, Cookie Segelstein, and Marty Confurius are most certainly the 
incredible, artful, magnificent musicians with me on the CD, not as members 
of a newly formed band.  Yes, we hope to perform together as our schedules 
permit!  Because of this apparent confusion regarding "band" vs. the title of 
the CD, I've decided to actually name the CD itself "FleytMuzik" (yes, got to 
the printer in time!) and I should be receiving the disks well in time to 
mail out for Chanuka. If you'd like to order a copy, or multiples for gifts 
at a reduced rate, please email me at agreenba (at) aol(dot)com(dot) The price 
until the 
end of the year is $15 with no postage added, unless from outside the US. (I 
will add the simple cost less a bit for those CD's.)  Here's a preview 
statement from Seth Rogovoy to whet your appetite:

"I can't think of a stronger case being made for the flute as an essential 
klezmer instrument (besides the historical fact that Old World kapelyes often 
included flutes) than this album, particularly Adrianne Greenbaum's spirited 
playing on her own composition, 'Di Terkishe Fleyt,' which boasts the soulful 
vibrancy, wit and virtuosity of the great clarinetists like Brandwein and 
Tarras. With tsimblist Josh Horowitz, fiddler Cookie Segelstein and bassist 
Marty Confurius, Greenbaum has assembled a gorgeous neo-traditional ensemble 
of classical proportions. Call her the Andy Statman of the klezmer flute." -- 
Seth Rogovoy, author, "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish 
Roots and Soul Music"

(There are tunes from the Beregovsky collection, Kostakowsky, the e-minor 
Kosch doyna, some German Goldensteyn tunes, a couple other surprises, and a 
couple of new tunes by yours truly.)

Sorry for the confusion and - - carry on!
Adrianne Greenbaum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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