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Re: Clareint Mouthpiece

>Messiah701 (at) aol(dot)com said:

>I am having trouble finding a solid Bass clarinet mouthpeice-- I am 
>using a Vandoren B45 now, but in my jazz and klezmer playing I feel 
>increadibly limited (sound and volume wise)-- any suggestions??-- MW

Haven't heard of a brass mouthpiece for clarinet.

If you're already using a B45, which has a relatively wide tip 
opening, then I'd need a bit more information about how you feel 
limited before I come up with specific suggestions.

But without a more detail description,  though, I'd guess that you 
want to look for a mouthpiece which has a longer facing.  For 
instance, the facing on the B45 is 44, whereas the  5JB has a facing 
that is 54.  Another consideration for you is reed strength.  This is 
subjective but,  in general, you'll  want to use a softer reed if you 
increase the tip opening.  I've seen a lot more "mouthpiece / reed" 
discussion at the news group "" and at than on this list.  Might also take your question to 
one of those cites.

Good hunting.

Dick Hauser
Olympia Washington

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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