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Re: kandelikas--and "losing the composer"

Joel Bresler wrote:
> 1)      You're right that a song title can't be copyrighted. But if a 
> performer/songwriter gives a new song the same name as another well known 
> song, and some of their lyrics or melody are the same as the lyrics or 
> melody of the original, that would point to it being based on, if not the 
> same song as, the original. Looking at another holiday standard penned by 
> another Jewish author, I have to imagine that if I did a song called "White 
> Christmas" beginning with the lyrics, "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas", 
> I'd be hearing from the Irving Berlin Music Co.

OK - so who do I send the royalties for "Rikud", "Nign", and "Waltz"?
The Modzizter shtebl?  Ger?  Seret Visnitz?  Dudu Fischer? MBD?

roger, just making trouble

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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