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Fwd: music director sought

>From: rjfletcher0 (at) aol(dot)com
>I am searching to hire a music director for my new show, which will be
>premiering in New York at the end of January.  It is a one woman show, the
>text of which is mine; it is also about 50% music, all of which is Jewish
>music (relatively unknown - wide range of styles.)  It is called The Kabaret
>What I am looking for is the following: an instrumentalist who is deeply
>versed in Jewish music, but is also innovative and cutting edge musically --
>someone who thinks out of the box.  Better that it be a "radical Jewish
>culture" guy than someone who wants things to sound just the way they always
>have.  Ideally, they would be writing their own arrangements and the show's
>underscoring as well.  They must be used to directing and working with an
>instrumental ensemble.  If they are used to working in the realm of music for
>the theater (and can think theatrically about music) that would be a plus.
>The salary is negotiable.  They must be available for the work as of
>Cantor Rebecca Fletcher  212-579-7155
>rjfletcher0 (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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