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Re: a Jewish connection?

In a message dated 11/3/2 12:34:38 PM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<< It's appropriate, obviously, to Christian media but highly *inappropriate* 
to non-Christian/secular, let alone Jewish!, media, communication, or 

Absolutely. I have always felt that way and have NEVER used the "C" word and 
it amazes me as to how many Jews actually use it..and not only when they are 

With Xmas coming up soon this could be quite a problem isnce we are 
constantly bobmbarded with Cmas carols, and lets face it, some of the Xmas 
music is quite beautiful and you can't really help but sing along. 

TRUE STORY:  My dog was born on Christmas Eve. 
His name was Flippy (I'm not sure that it really was a biblical name). 
I happen like the Christmas song "Oh Holy Night", however it ends with " 'C' 
our savious is born."  When I get to that part, I just substiture "Flippy the 
Kelev (dog in Hebrew) is born"

I wish you a Merry Flipmas!
Hativkah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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