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20th Anniv. Part 3: Northampton, MA 11/3

The Wholesale Klezmer Band 20th Anniversary Celebration  Part 3

at the Iron Horse Music Hall
Sunday, November 3rd
20 Center Street
Northampton, MA
Doors open at 5:30 pm
For Reservations call:
     1-800-THE-TICK from outside the (413) area code, or
     (413) 586-8686.
For information and directions:

The next chapter of the history of the Wholesale Klezmer Band starts, 
strangely enough with a speech that Pat Buchanan gave at the 
Republican Party convention in the summer of 1992.  It was scary, a 
narrow view of who was an American.  When Bill Clinton won the 
election he gave a speech in which he celebrated the diversity of our 
country's people and underscoring the necessity of our all working 
together to rebuild our country.  I immediately wrote to him and his 
campaign office suggesting that the music at the inauguration reflect 
that spirit of acceptance and diversity and offering the Wholesale 
Klezmer Band to be part of the festivities including a copy of our 
newly released first CD.

On December 15th we received a letter from the campaign office 
inviting us to perform in the pre-parade entertainment along with 
African drummers and dancers, Andean musicians, a Latin jazz band, a 
Steel band, magicians, jugglers, and believe it or not, a precision 
lawn chair drill team from Colorado (better than any military drill 
team I've ever seen).

Local Western Massachusetts businesses quickly organized concerts for 
us to raise money for our trip to DC, a local auto dealership donated 
use of a 15 passenger rental van, the DC Yiddish club arranged for us 
to give a concert at the JCC of greater Washington and at a Jewish 
Day School while we were in town.

It was a chilly morning.  Larry, our sound engineer, deftly piloted 
the van through rush hour traffic to get to our appointed location 
before all the streets were blocked off by the security. Our fingers 
were cold, but the joy of the day and the enthusiasm of the crowd 
warmed us enough to play our instruments. It was a proud day for us, 
to have Yiddish so prominently represented in the celebration of our 
country's democracy and diversity.

For pictures, see

Oh, and please remember to VOTE on November 5th.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204
Please include your USPS address and phone number in your email 
signature on all business correspondence.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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