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Re: HELP w/ MS Word production symbol

Robert, The character doesn't exist in the standard character sets used on any 
common English language computers. It is usually created by putting a small P 
in a circle from a symbol font (don't use an "O"--it won't be round or the 
right weight), or by getting a symbol font that contains the complete symbol. 
(The wingdings font on Windows machines is a good source of round, even-weight 
circles.) If you are printing something that will be reproducing from paper, 
you can use the Circle-R in the standard Windows Symbol font and use white-out 
on the leg of the "R". It is quite possible that there are public domain symbol 
fonts that contain this, but I don't know of one off-hand.


At 04:11 PM 10/18/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Does anyone on the list know how to produce/insert a circle P (i.e., the 
>symbol on recordings/CDs--like a copyright notice but with a P instead of a 
>C) in Microsoft Word?
>I need right away and realize it's a long shot, but thanks to anyone who can 
>--Robert Cohen
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