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OT: Law and Order -- Criminal Intent

Alex Lubet wrote:

For purely accidental reasons of name-sharing (and I hope this is not
too far off-topic since it deals with pop culture if not exactly music),
I wonder if anyone else watches Law & Order:  Criminal Intent.  Of all
the L & W's, it's the one by far most focused on a single character, a
detective named Bobby Goren, whom I've always assumed (though it's never
stated) is Jewish.  He's portrayed as unbelievably brilliant but also
bordering on obnoxious and maybe even a touch evil.  One rarely gets the
sense he's a moral crusader, more a gamer, unlike a lot of other tv

Well, Alex, I have to take issue with you on a couple of things. First, I think
Goren is depicted as having rather more zeal than the average cop -- he
really seems to have a thing about right and wrong.  Vincent D'onofrio's line 
readings are frequently eccentric, and that may be what you are reacting to.
Second, if he's a Jew he's the first one to ever serve as an altar boy, which 
was established in 
passing in an episode last season.

George (No Altar Boy) Robinson

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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