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Integrated Jewish/General Music Curriculum

An acquaintance of mine asked about an integrated music curriculum for Day 
Schools.  Below are some of the points she touched on.  If anyone has such a 
curriculum, please let me know.  

Todah Rabbah in advance,
Janice Roger

"I was wondering if there is a curriculum, or any website or literature,
 that you have come across for teaching music with a Jewish slant.  I am
 looking for one that possibly would be taught in a Hebrew Day School for
 grades K-8.  I know there are some very good reform Day schools, and I
 wasn't sure if they have a set music curriculum, or do they just teach a
 music like a regular class without any Jewish content.
 The Academy interjects some Hebrew, Israeli, Yiddish songs in their
 Hanukah program and their end of year program, but I think there could be
 a lot more.   I think there could be a lot more crossover in subjects.
 For example, when Middle School studies American Jewish History, why
 couldn't the music program be looking at some famous Jewish American
 Composers or the history of the Yiddish Theater.  When first grade takes a
 field trip to the post office, why doesn't the music program talk about
 the new commemorative stamp featuring the Jewish composer Irwin Berlin.
 When the students are learning what makes up a major scale versus a minor
 one, why doesn't the music program also discuss how a typical Klezmer
 scale is different.  Instead of just studying Classical composers,  how
 about studying anti-Semitism in the Classical period."

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