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Fwd: Re: liturgical ethnomusicologist?

This sounds fascinating. If any list member can help in this project, please 
contact Robert O'Haire directly.


>Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 22:36:08 -0400
>From: "Robert O'Haire" <plummer (at) nyc(dot)rr(dot)com>
>>>  I represent Mr. Lionel Ziprin on behalf of a project involving
>>>  recordings of his Grandfather Rabbi Abulafia singing liturgical songs
>>>  that were made in the 1950's by Harry Smith.
>>>  These recordings were recently digitized from original 78 rpm
>>>  vinyl...the master reels were damaged in a fire along the way so we
>>>  were unable to use them.
>>>  We are now trying to find someone who can translate and/or write the
>>>  liner notes for them. They are eight 50 minute cds comprising mostly
>>>  traditional songs and stories in Hebrew and a few in
>>>  fluency in both languages is necessary.
>>>  The reason I contacted you is because I noticed your story about Mr.
>>>  Mark Slobin and thought you might be able to put me in touch with him
>>>  or someone else qualified to take on a task like this.
>>>  I hope I am not out of line asking you for this and if so please
>>>  accept my apologies.
>>>  Thank you, Robert O'Haire
     plummer (at) nyc(dot)rr(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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