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Re: Zev Feldman Workshop starts tonight! Also: Sunday night dance

We're really looking forward to this! (Not sure we're looking forward to 
dealing with the Friday "escape to the mountains" traffic, but that's 
another story.

 >Well, here we are, Columbus Day weekend..if anyone is possessed of a
l>ast-minute desire to come learn klezmer dance in the beautiful White
 >Mountains with Zev Feldman, I believe there's still room in the workshop for
 >a few more participants. This is a rare opportunity to learn East European
 >dances from one of the masters. The workshop starts this evening and runs
 >through Sunday afternoon.
 >The workshop is at Neskaya, a lovely space built for circle dancing and
 >community arts, in Franconia, NH. Live music will be provided in the
 >evenings by Dena Ressler (clarinet), Seth Austen (fiddle, mandola, guitar),
 >Beverly Woods (tsimbl, accordion) and Jim Dalton (mandocello, mandolin,
 >tenor banjo).

Ari Davidow
owner: jewish music mailing list
and the KlezmerShack:
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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