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Zev Feldman Workshop starts tonight! Also: Sunday night dance

Well, here we are, Columbus Day weekend..if anyone is possessed of a 
last-minute desire to come learn klezmer dance in the beautiful White
Mountains with Zev Feldman, I believe there's still room in the workshop for
a few more participants. This is a rare opportunity to learn East European
dances from one of the masters. The workshop starts this evening and runs
through Sunday afternoon.

The workshop is at Neskaya, a lovely space built for circle dancing and
community arts, in Franconia, NH. Live music will be provided in the
evenings by Dena Ressler (clarinet), Seth Austen (fiddle, mandola, guitar),
Beverly Woods (tsimbl, accordion) and Jim Dalton (mandocello, mandolin,
tenor banjo).

ALSO, SUNDAY NIGHT DANCE WITH LIVE MUSIC: The band will also be playing for
the regular dance this Sunday evening (potluck/dance, 5-8 pm), which you can
attend even if you did not come to the rest of the workshop. That evening
will probably have a mix of klezmer and Israeli music and dance.

All dances are taught and beginners are welcome.

For details see or call Jenny at

Hope to see you there!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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