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NOMAD Festival

Tribute to Alan Lomax at NOMAD 2002 
Friday, October 25, 2002
7:30to 10:30 PM.
"Alan Lomax is a completely central figure in 20th century culture.  Without 
Lomax it's possible that there would have been no blues explosion, no R&B 
movement, no Beatles and no Stones and no Velvet Underground." - Brian Eno 

In recognition of the legacy of Alan Lomax, NOMAD’s Friday night concert this 
year will be a “Tribute to Alan Lomax.”  The tribute will be facilitated 
Jerry Epstein and Jack Langstaff (founder of New York and Boston Revels), 
both of whom knew Alan Lomax and includes Jeff and Gerret Warner, sons of 
Frank and Ann Warner who worked with Alan Lomax for over 40 years and 
Caroline and Sandy Paton who worked closely with him while in England.  There 
will be guest performances by many of the NOMAD participants who will be 
featured at various times during the festival on Saturday and Sunday.  
According to Jerry Epstein, "Jack has an utterly unique and totally 
fascinating cassette tape of Alan doing a talk (with singing) about his 
father, John A. Lomax, and his growing up and hearing the cowboy songs. It 
gives a feeling of how the whole thing began from back around the turn of the 
20th century, and it is deeply moving".

Northeast Music, Art and Dance (NOMAD) Festival takes place at Newtown High 
School the weekend of October 25 though the 27th.

Willa Horowitz 

Leader and teacher of Israeli, Jewish and International folk dance 

130 Mount Sanford Road 
Hamden, CT 06518 

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