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Frank London Klezmer Brass Allstars in Chicago this Saturday

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Hello Lori,
This is Tony Barnett, the Concert Promotion and Production Coordinator at The 
Old Town School of Folk Music.  Dayna, Colleen, and I were wondering if it 
would be possible for you to forward the following via e-mail to your e-mail 
list and other interested parties?    We'd really appreciate it.  The show is 
this Saturday! 

Best wishes,
Tony Barnett
Concert Promotion & Production Coordinator
Old Town School of Folk Music 
4544 N. Lincoln Avenue
Chicago, IL 60625
PH: 773-728-6000 x3352
FX: 773 - 506-2414  
tbarnett (at) oldtownschool(dot)org 

World Music Festival ? Chicago 2002
Gangbe Brass Band (Benin) & Frank London?s Klezmer Brass Allstars
Saturday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m.
$12, $11 for members, $12 for seniors & children
Old Town School of Folk Music
4544 North Lincoln Avenue * (773) 728 - 6000

The tradition of brass music across the whole of sub-Saharan Africa is much 
stronger than one might think.  As with much of contemporary creativity from 
the region, its roots are twofold: one part stemming from a local brass 
tradition, while the other was imported together with the colonial culture, 
namely military brass music.  Today, both of these roots have been overlaid 
with jazz.  The outcome is rich in sound and motifs, witty, and completely 
functional: it works on the street, at funerals and weddings, on a concert 
stage and on the dance-floor.  The Gangbe Brass Band is one of the finest 
exponents of this type of brass music, which originated in West Africa. Their 
original blend of contemporary jazz, traditional rhythms from Benin, and songs 
sung in local languages have been enthralling international audiences for 
around nine years.  An explosive fanfare of costume, dance and percussion ? 
Gangbe?s exciting performance is energetic and colorful.

The original styles of klezmorim, have failed to surface until Frank London 
brought a number of extraordinary brass musicians together. The group of 
musicians met in "New York City's Knitting Factory" bar to combine their 
knowledge, history and talents and create magical sounds together. They threw 
back several cocktails in memory of the old traditions and uncovered secrets 
and tales of the incredible lost sounds, creating Frank London Klezmer Brass 
Allstars.  London and his band have uncovered and renewed the secrets and tales 
of the incredible lost sounds of Klezmer music in its original and wildest 

For more information, see the Old Town School of Folk Music website:

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