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Nusach Recorded

All the recent queries on 'Nusach,' have stimulated me
to record several examples of West European Nusach. In
particular, I've recorded all the different versions of
'Retseih' and 'Venismach' according to Nusach
Amsterdam that I'm aware of.

Everything is online at:

Warning: the recordings are of rather poor quality.

It would be interesting if other people with an
Askenazi Nusach would compare these recordings to their
own Nusach. Are there more versions of these prayers in
other Nuscha'ot than in my Nusach? Are there versions
in my Nusach that don't have a counterpart in other
Nuscha'ot? What is roughly similar and what is totally
different? Maybe somebody would like to volunteer to
record his own versions of these (or other) prayers?

I would like to thank cantor Sam Weiss for suggesting
Sholom Kalib's book 'The Musical Tradition of the
Eastern European Synagogue.' I did not know it yet.

Last but not least I'd like to point out that the
Encyclopedia Judaica also contains some information on


  Irwin Oppenheim
  i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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