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RE: songs about food]

Dear list-readers,

I am sending a message to the entire list because of the response to the
"Hatikva" request from one of the readers.

Lots of people wrote to me about a dead link on our Hebrew Songs
"Hatikva" page, and I thank everyone!

The people on this list are the most wonderful music-lovers. What a joy
to read everyone's interest and be a part of it.

So - having a wrong link spurred me to do a full search of all the
Hatikva websites on the net.

We now have a wide choice, even some in languages other than English!

So, I invite you all, dear readers, to have another look at the Hebrew
Songs dot com "Hatikva" page with all the new listings.

Click here:

Again, thanks to all who wrote, and to all the kind and generous Jewish
music lovers on this great list.

Aura Levin Lipski
Publisher Jewish Australia Online Network
Jewish Australia dot com

Hebrew Songs dot com

Israeli Dances dot com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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