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[Lyrics for an old Yiddish song]

does anyone have any ideas on this one? thank you!

Sholom Pearlman wrote:

>  Could you possibly guide me to the lyrics of a henudred yeqrs ago
> that spoke of aging, and contained these lines:
> ........di redlach drehen zich,                          di yohren
> gehen zich,                                ich ver sheyn alt, und
> (---?) und (---?)In Hebrew, it begins
> with:                                Keyn hol'khim
> shonim                                k'tzeyl anonimI can't email  a
> staff of musical notes, but in the tonic sol-fa interpretatin it goes
> like this:
> (Hebrew.                                        (YiddishTempo:  6/8
> #s,dr|m-r:s,dr|m-r:s,dr|mdf:--m|r--:*l,rm|fll-:sdr|mss-:s,dr|mdf-:m|r--:lrm|fll-sdr|mss-s,dr|m--:drt,|d-----||
> (end)             # Keyn hol'khim sho-nim, k'tzeyl anonim-   :* "di
> redlach drehen zich----
> ___________
> _____________ N.B:-->    #= Hebrew
> words                                         *= Yiddish wordsI hope
> this poor description will be clear enough to allow you to identify
> the song I'm seeking.Sincerely,Sholom Pearlman, DDS     Denver CO

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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