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portable record players? Yes!!

Restoration Hardware--a sort-of-cool catalog-and-store (in many states, 
anyway) operation, sells a Crosley Portable Record Player for $130.  
"Ensconced in a 1960s-vintage-style 'suitcase' for lightweight and secure 
toting," says the catalog, "the turntable plays 33s, 45s and 78s."  For Dear 
Old Dads, it suggests, who "miss the days when albums had a B side"--neatly 

800-762-1005 -- or check out your local store (if one exists).

I *wish* I got a commission on any resulting sales.

Me, I still have what may be the finest portable record player ever made:  
the KLH Model 11, which I took off with me to Cornell, way back when ... 
records had a B side!  (Which I knew, since I programmed some of them for 
WVBR-FM in Ithaca).

Happy Listening!

--Robert Cohen

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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