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Happy New Year from Hebrew Songs and Israeli Dances

Dear Readers  -  Korim Nichbadim  -  Chosheveh Leiner - 

As Rosh Hashanah 5763 approaches, we wish you a happy and healthy New

Thank you especially for the warm wishes and kind comments over the past
year about our websites.

Jewish Australia, Hebrew Songs and Israeli Dances are a labour of love
and the recognition from readers within Australia and from around the
world makes all the work doubly meaninful.

May the year ahead bring peace in our hearts, in our communities, in
Israel and for all the world.

Shana Tova u'Metuka.

Aura Levin Lipski
Publisher Jewish Australia Online Network

Jewish Australia dot com

Hebrew Songs dot com

Israeli Dances dot com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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