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Help with a project (Israeli song/poem)

The JCC is working on a Sept. 11 memorial and would like to incorporate the 
poem/song "Lekol Ish Yesh Shem".  I am looking for the words in Hebrew and 
English, and the author of the poem (whom I believe is Zelda.)  Can anyone 
forward this to me?  I have checked Zemerl, but I can't seem to find it.  I 
have also checked the database, and came up empty.
If it helps, I heard that Chava Alberstein and Chanan Yovel have recorded 
versions of it...
Katie Marcus
Program Coordinator
Jewish Life & Learning
Jewish Community Center of Metro Detroit
6600 West Maple Road
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
(248) 432-5470
(248) 432-5552 (FAX)


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