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Re: Lida Yizkor Book

Thanks, Helen. My father's family was from Lida (they left in the 
twenties), and he was one of the young students (he was a boy soprano 
before maturing into a baritone -- he later became a chazzan in America) 
selected for the big choir, as it is described in the translation. I've had 
the Yiskor book for years, but its secrets were locked away in Yiddish and 
Hebrew. What a treasure to have these translations. Family members used to 
talk about the unusually rich musical life in Lida -- it's nice to see it 


At 08:23 AM 8/28/02 -0600, you wrote:

>Just found an interesting section online of the Lida Yizkor book covering 
>an assortment of musical history topics--everything from cantors to 
>Yiddish folk songs and theatre:
>Book of Lida
>Edited by: Alexander Manor, Itzchak Ganusovitch, Aba Lando
>Member of the Editorial Board: Eliyahu Damesek
>Published in Tel Aviv, 1970
>Song, Theater and Art
>Helen<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = 
>"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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