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Italian Jewish Music

Centuries-old liturgical tradition
comes alive on CD of Jewish tune
from:  www.

There is an interesting article on the JTA web site on Francesco Spagnolo and 
the "Italian Jewish Musical Tradition"  CD which he produced from the 
collection of Leo Levi.

Besides the article--which is loaded with information on the contents and 
history of the music--there is a photo of Francesco and his beautiful new 
bride under the chupa (in Florence, Italy) and the Rabbi, Joseph Levi, son of 
Leo Levi.
Mazel Tov to Francesco and his bride, Sharon!

You can read the article on the JTA web site at:

Shameless Plug:
We have been carrying this CD since the first week it was released, and it is 
one of the best sellers.

Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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