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Andy Statman in Los Angeles, August 26th

Andy Statman and his trio (Jim Whitney on bass and Larry Eagle on drums 
and percussion) will make a rare appearance in Los Angeles at the 
Knitting Factory ( on Monday 
evening, August 26th at 7:00 PM.  The concert will include 
interpretations of and improvisations on obscure melodies from various 
Chassidic dynasties, as well as some klezmer tunes, Statman originals 
and American roots music from the bluegrass tradition.

The New York Times describes Andy's music as "...a beautiful and new 
experience. It has the heart of klezmer music, which Mr. Statman, a 
clarinet and mandolin virtuoso, is most famous for performing, but it's 
not klezmer. It has the spirit of the border-pushing jazz of the 60's, 
but it's not really jazz either. It's the music of Jewish mystics, but 
interpreted not as a tradition to be preserved but as a spiritual path 
to be followed in as personal a manner as possible."

For more info, check out

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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