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Soprano moving to Brooklyn NY


There are many music-related requests that find their way to this music 
list.  This one is a bit different.

Our daughter, Melanie (age 24), has spent the last month in Israel at the 
International Vocal Arts Institute Summer Program in Tel Aviv.  She is a 
gifted soprano.  (Her mother says proudly)

She had the opportunity to work with such professionals as Joan Dornemann 
and Bob Cowart of the Metropolitan Opera, as well as Mignon Dunn and William 
Woodruff.  She sang in several public concerts and Master Classes ("Queen of 
the Night" and other arias) and sang one of the lead roles (Fairy Godmother) 
in Massenet's Cendrillon (Cinderella).  Melanie has had a remarkable time, 
and as a result of her success there, she has been invited to study for a 
Masters degree in performance at Brooklyn College starting at the beginning 
of September.

Melanie will be returning to Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) next week and very 
quickly will have to make the arrangements to move to Brooklyn.

Our first concern, of course, is where she will live. I would appreciate if 
anyone on this group can offer any suggestions.  She is looking for a small 
bachelor apartment close to the College - clean, reasonable $$$ and in a 
safe neighbourhood.

Also, as a student, she would be permitted to work in music-related fields 
with the permission of her school.  She would like to make contact with any 
shul that needs a soprano either to join their choir or to sing solos.  She 
is familiar with Reform liturgy but has sung with a Conservative choir for a 
short time in Toronto.  She learns music VERY quickly.

This is happening so quickly and as her Mom, I would love to accompany her 
to NY to help her find a place to live.  But as lead singer and soloist for 
our congregation I am unable to leave at this time as I am preparing for 
High Holidays.

If anyone can help with suggestions please answer off list.

Karen Gall
klg8 (at) hotmail(dot)com

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