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French Yiddish Gypsies! - The beauty of "Les Yeux Noirs."

A few weeks ago an amazing band called "Les Yeux Noir" came to play at 
the Skirball Center (it's our museum of Jewish-American heritage here in 
Los Angeles).  I've never heard anything like them!  They are a whirling 
dervish of exciting gypsy klezmer music, but with a definite French feel 
(I think it must be something in the sound of the accordion).  Many of 
their songs' lyrics are in Yiddish, and hearing Yiddish in a French 
accent is certainly a unique treat if you've never heard it before!  
After attending the breathtaking performance live, I picked up their 
latest CD, "BALAMOUK."  It's amazing as well, filled with not only the 
quick-paced dances I heard in the performance, but some beautiful 
lullabyes including their own version of "Yiddishe Mama."  What a 
beauty!  What a combination!
 I'm in no way affiliated with the band, I have just become so 
enraptured by the music of "Les Yeux Noirs,"  I couldn't let it go 
without a strong recommendation for those of us who love a little French 
Gypsy flair mixed into our Klezmer!
Can't wait to hear more!  I think they are still currently on tour 
throughout the US, so check them out if you can!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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